Massage therapy can be a wonderful complement to traditional cancer treatments. Living through cancer treatment can prove to be a physically, emotionally and spiritually challenging time.  The…
Most of us don’t think at all about our lymphatic systems. But if you deal with sinus pain, swelling in your hands or feet, are recovering from a contusion or surgery or feel sluggish or bloated, you…
Geriatric massage is a modality that focuses on seniors ages 65 and older. Touch is so very important for the health and well being of us all, but it is especially needed late in lives.…
Footwork has been used in the healing arts for many centuries with the belief that the feet reflect a map of our body corresponding to exact organs and tissues. By applying pressure to these areas,…
Therapeutic Yoga Support a deep release of physical and emotional holding patterns as you nourish the systems of your body. Therapeutic yoga is a grounding yoga practice performed on the floor and…
(pronounced "chi-gong")  Qigong is a practice that encourages the circulation of "qi," our life energy. Utilize gentle movements and stretching, acupressure, tapotement, breath awareness and…
Craniosacral therapy is a hands-on technique designed to restore the balance of the physical and emotional body. Gentle hand-holding and light touch focus on the cranial sutures to help balance…