Massage therapy can be a wonderful complement to traditional cancer treatments. Living through cancer treatment can prove to be a physically, emotionally and spiritually challenging time.  The cancer is treated as an enemy and as a result the body deals with new challenges and hardships. Changes may happen in energy and comfort levels as well as physical appearance. All of these things in addition to feelings of being out of control, depression and frustration can affect one's relationship to his or her body. Massage introduces a loving touch along with the stress and pain relief that may help to heal emotional and physical issues related to cancer treatment.
For those in chemo therapy, our therapists are trained to help clients figure out when is the best time in your chemo cycle to receive a massage. Massage may  help to calm the nerves, to decrease pain, nausea and fatigue and to reduce other side effects of treatment.
Our therapists are trained to provide individual care to suit the needs of our clients by modifying speed, pressure, positioning, length of session time and site involvement (such as IVs, drains, skin conditions, edema, and any lymph node or bone involvement).

For more information on the benefits of Oncology Massage as well as Care for the Caregiver check out our Caring for Clients with Cancer page.

30 Minutes $80
45 Minutes $100
60 Minutes $120
90 Minutes $170


Click here for a oncology massage gift certificate

 "In June 2012 I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of appendiceal cancer.  Soon after my first surgery I began seeing Nikki Remic at the Pittsburgh Center for Complementary Health and Healing in Regent Square for massage.  In addition to the chemo treatments, which I am still on, I feel the massages are contributing to my cancer remaining stable.  Nikki has an intuitive healing touch that puts me in a zone that transcends this diseased body.  She has a passion and love for her work that makes it so much more than a job.  In addition to being a skilled massage therapist she has a wealth of knowledge about alternative healing methods that she joyfully shares when asked.   I always feel better walking out than walking in.  The massages are the highlight of my month."
Nancy Orr

"This place has really been a god-send for my mom. She is battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer and their special treatments for oncology and chemo patients are incredible. Not only do they offer her relaxation, but they lift her spirits to the point that I truly believe it is helping her make it through this. They offer various therapies such as oncology massage, reiki, and cellular expansion which I believe help ease the side effects of chemotherapy. I would recommend these therapies to anyone, not just people battling cancer. They also offer pregnancy massage which is wonderful. I would recommend this place to people of any health level to help maintain health or to get through a hard time. This is definitely a healing environment."